Sunday, January 30, 2011


It finally snowed today and I am stuck inside sick. I sound like Phoebe on Friends when she had the sexy cold voice, except mine sounds more like a smoker than any kind of sexy. 
I love snow. I love how it's shape varies so much depending on the temperature and the wind and where it fell. I love how it morphs as the day goes on and it melts and then freezes again overnight. I love how it crunches under your feet as you walk on it. This photograph was taken a few weeks ago after we had a big storm and then it was sunny for a few days. The piles of snow started to melt downward and it looked like a cut lawn. 

1 comment:

  1. one thing I hate about NY is how the city looks SOOOOO DIRTY because of the black snow... I think it's the abnormal shape of snow that drawn us into seeing untouched snow in the landscape, but as soon as the snow has been desecrated by human touch, it loses its beauty.
