Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I have been writing flash fictions for a little bit now but it always has been writing about other people's pictures or at work.... So my photo goal right now is: to take AT LEAST ONE image a day and write a flash fiction for it.

I will soon get a suitable camera for it... but until then, my broken Iphone shall do the trick! Today's might be a little bit more emo since I just came back watching the movie "Blue Valentine".

As he grabbed her by the arm so tightly as if his life was depended on it, he begged her to tell him what she wanted him to do.

“How can I make it better?! Tell me how what I need to do! Just tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it!. I promise I can change, baby! I promise we will get through this!”.
Tears were running down her face to her neck but she quickly smeared it away with her sleeves. It’s not that she did not love him. It’s because she loved him so much that she hated herself for not able to come up with any solution.

He grew more anxious as the silence filled the whole car like toxic smoke when he realized he couldn’t catch his breath to utter another word out of his mouth. And soon, he began to sob too as he felt his heart sank so deep down, like a battle ship sank along with it’s pride in the sea.

Despite the heat ventilated in the car,his and her breath still fogged up the windows. It is in all these blurriness surrounded them,they realized that love, in the end, was not enough to keep the two together.

The only thought that Danny could muster to think about was how he wished the light outside of the car was dimmer so that Aileen could not see how desperate and vulnerable he was.


  1. I hate to admit it, since it's taken with a silly IPhone, but I really like this photo. It creeps me out, it makes me think of murders and crimes happening in a city at night. So when I read the flash fiction, the photo attaches a certain violence to the story.

    I've been taking photos with my phone, and they all seem to be beautiful landscapes and children. So basically the kind of photography I always do.

  2. I like the low quality of the image--though I have to admit, if it were taken with film, that grittiness would be a lot more powerful. Also, it's kind of odd, I see the image as being taken from the inside of a car, looking at another car(which I am assuming is not the case?). I think it's the dark streak happening from the bottom left corner, that looks like a windshield wiper.
    But overall, I really like how the image supports your flash fiction. And I agree with Allie, it's quite violent feeling. I feel like he killed her parents or something and she can't forgive him. Like it's that moment in a movie where the lovable couple gets torn apart by the boyfriend doing something terribly violent.

    One comment, that may seem a little insensitive, but maybe you should have one of us correct the grammar/word usage? There are a few points where I feel like the misuse of wording holds it back a little bit.

  3. It's interesting how both of you see violence in the image and the flash fiction. Honestly, I did not intentionally want to write something this dark. I suppose after watching the movie "Blue Valentine", it made me a bit of a downer. I also didn't think about writing the story from the perspective of inside the car until I stare at the image long enough to want to get the car in the image to be involve into the story.

    In hope, I was really trying to write something hopeful and positive... but it kind of took a shape of its own.

    I started to think if this has anything to do with how I really feel or simply I'm just reflecting through the image. I think I need to write more to really tell... but I also don't want to force it or force against it.

    Regards to grammar... yeah I know exactly. I'm planning to actually go take classes because I'm a grown ass man and I really need to write better than this. In the meantime, I just type out this on the spot and post it online since I really want to hear feedback from you two. Anyways, more to come now!
